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옛날 범선의 후갑판 밑의 선실 영어로


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  • roundhouse
  • 옛날    옛날 [옛적] antiquity; ancient[old] times;
  • 후갑판    후갑판 [後甲板] 『海』 the quarterdeck;
  • 후갑판 밑의 선실    roundhouse
  • 밑의    located below; lower than; situated beneath;
  • 선실    선실 [船室] a cabin; (특실) a stateroom;
  • 후갑판    후갑판 [後甲板] 『海』 the quarterdeck; the afterdeck.
  • 갑판 선실    deck cabin
  • 옛날 범선에 적재된 대형 보트    longboat
  • 선실    선실 [船室] a cabin; (특실) a stateroom; the passenger's quarters. 1등 ~ a first-class cabin / a stateroom. 2등 ~ a second-class cabin. 3등 ~ the steerage. 전부(前部) ~ a forecabin. 호놀룰루행의 ~을 예약하다 book passage
  • 밑의    located below; lower than; situated beneath; subjacent
  • 범선    범선 [帆船] =돛단배.
  • 갑판    deck
  • 옛날의 상갑판을 뜯어내고 뱃전을 낮춘 배    razee
  • 옛날    옛날 [옛적] antiquity; ancient[old] times; [지난날] old[bygone] days; former years[days]. ~의 old / [아주 옛날의] ancient / antique / [이전의] former / past / bygone. ~(옛적)에 long ago / a long time ago / once upon a
  • 선의    선의 [先議] ~하다 debate[deliberate (on)] a matter before other matters[bills].▷ 선의권 the right to prior consideration. 하원이 예산의 ~권을 가지고 있다 The House of Representatives has the right to debate[deliberate on
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